Marine Traffic

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

WSDOT Newsletter - The Snohomish Times

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) announced this week the launch of a newsletter designed to increase accountability and reporting on the delivery of projects funded by the federal ARRA.
The weekly online newsletter, Stimulus News You Can Use, features information on highway project delivery, along with updates on grant applications for high-speed passenger rail and transit projects, as well as updates on the national context of Recovery Act (ARRA) accountability reporting. Visit to sign up to receive the newsletter in your e-mail. The newsletter is one way WSDOT is working to keep transportation stakeholders updated on the fast-moving effort to put people to work and improve the states infrastructure.

WSDOT has developed an extensive ARRA web site that includes project lists, project pages and program delivery information at

The Federal Highway Administration has provided $492 million for state and local highway projects. Additional FHWA funding could be available:

$50 million in National Ferry Transportation System Grants
$1.5 billion in Supplemental Discretionary Grants for highway mega projects
The Federal Transit Administration has provided $179 million in formula funding to Washington for transit system capital projects. The Federal Rail Administration will allocate $8 billion in funding later this year. The Federal Aviation Administration has awarded more than $44 million to six local airports.

Washington state is administering the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act investments with an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability. Gov. Gregoire created a Web site,, so every Washingtonian can see where tax dollars are going and hold government accountable for the results. On the federal level, President Obama has appointed Vice President Biden to oversee all states recovery efforts and to root out waste and fraud. This combined oversight will ensure taxpayer dollars are put to good use and recharge the economy.

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