Hi All,
This is just to give you a "heads up" in preparing for July's meeting.
Walt Elliott of the Executive FAC Board called me a couple of days ago. He is putting an announcement in regarding the July 18th meeting in his article for his ferry community. We got to talking about the discussion the FAC Board had with the TC regarding the tariff committee. Seems the TC wants to pre-empt and set it up themselves and have it under their auspices. Their reasoning is that there isn't enough time to create legislation around this and they need a group to function this fall. Their (TC's ) consensus is that it would take too long.
I have some concerns about this. I don't want to see this group 1) under the sway of the TC - smacks too much of being assimilated into their bureacracy; 2) disbanded at the whim of the TC if the group does not agree; and 3) should be a legislated group to maintain it's independence from the TC and report to the governor or such. Walt has some concerns regarding this as well and this a continued discussion at their next meeting. Not all FAC board members feel this way and don't see a conflict of interests under the auspices of the Transportation Commission. Walt feels that in the interim, if the TC wants to set up something, that's fine, but that there should be some sort of legislation enacted moving forward after the Legislative session of 2010 that gives additional legitimacy to this group.
Since this is an on-going conversation at the FAC Executive level, I asked Walt if I could just relay this info to you, as well as the draft proposal for a Tariff committee written by Dennis Cziske Please note this is a working document well worth considering as a basis for upcoming legislation. I think it should be one of our topics when we meet on 7/18 and I hope Dennis and Walt can join us in Bremerton on that day.
PS. Is there any way we can also find out how/when members of the Transportation Commission are selected, how long their terms are and what constitutes qualifications? We have some members that are out of touch with ferry transportation issues - one track minds.
See all of you on 7/18!
Kari Ulatoski
Ferry Community Partnership
Chair, VMICC Ferry Outreach and Advocacy Committee
Plan C
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